darts (Doncaster Community Arts) is a registered charity working across the town with people of all ages and backgrounds who have little or no access to the arts. Located within The Point, their ambition is to expand the ability of every single person with the belief that art can fuel change for individuals and communities.
darts turned to Kingkraft to help them design accessible bathroom facilities for the centre as many visitors may need assistance from parents and carers when toileting.
Kingkraft helped create the wet room complete with ceiling track hoist, variable height basin, a changing table and specialist was and dry toilet.
Kingkraft's Dale Spademan (2nd from Right) with the darts team in their new Changing Places facility. |
The new facilities have now enabled visitors, especially those with profound and multiple learning disabilities, to enjoy the centre without the worry of inadequate toilet facilities.
Arts Development Manager at darts, Beci Jamieson, said: "We've been wanting to make this improvement to the building for some time. Thanks to Aiming High funding the Changing Places facility, we can now look forward to hosting more workshops suitable for people with disabilities. Kingkraft's experience and specialist knowledge for this kind of project played a massive part in the successful delivery of the project. We have an exciting future ahead!"
Dale Spademan, Sales and Marketing Manager for Kingkraft, said: "We love working on local community projects and having years of specialist knowledge meant we could advise on the best possible solution and equipment to meet the requirements of the centre."
For more information on darts please view their website on
www.thepoint.org.uk or if you require advise on how Kingkraft can help you design an accessible bathroom please view the website on